General-purpose server

Apollo is a general-purpose server maintained by HackSoc to host miscellaneous applications for our members.

Avatar service (

We used to use a free service, then it went down because it was too expensive for the person running it. Then that happened again, so this is our own copy of the avatar service.

Pretend you're Xyzzy (

A Cards Against Humanity clone.

Massive Decks (

Another Cards Against Humanity clone, similar to Pretend You're Xyzzy

Film night website (

A website put together for our Film Night event (which is not currently running), to handle voting on films.

HackSoc Uno (

A version of the hit card game Uno. Not to be confused with UNO®, which is a registered trademark of Mattel.

Hacksoc Wiki (

HackSoc's very own wiki, for keeping track of HackSoc things past and present.


This server is hosted on the University of York campus. As such, it is bound by the following legal statements.